A Middlesex Car Accident Lawyer at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, PC Can Provide Trusted Legal Guidance
| Read Time: 3 minutes | Car Accidents

Car accidents can cause significant property damage, leaving you in financial distress and wondering who is responsible for covering the costs. Pinpointing liability in these situations is key to ensuring fair compensation. Determining who is liable for property damage in a car accident involves considering various factors, like state laws, insurance policies, and the circumstances of the accident.

What Determines Liability for Property Damage?

Liability for property damage in a car accident is typically determined by assessing fault. Then, the at-fault party is typically responsible for covering the damages incurred by the other party/parties involved. These factors help determine liability:

  • Law enforcement officers who respond to the accident scene often create a report detailing their observations and findings. This report may include statements from drivers, witnesses, and an assessment of the accident scene. Insurance companies and courts may use this report to determine liability.
  • State traffic laws outline rules and regulations that drivers must follow while operating a vehicle. Violating these laws can lead to liability in case of an accident. For example, if a driver runs a red light and causes a collision, they may be considered at fault for the resulting property damage.
  • Evidence such as photographs of the accident scene, witness statements, and surveillance footage also help establish liability. This information provides insight into how the accident occurred and who may be responsible for the damages.

How Does Insurance Coverage Impact Liability?

Insurance coverage also plays a significant role in determining liability for property damage in car accidents. Most states require drivers to carry liability insurance, which covers damages to the other party’s property if the insured driver is at fault.

Liability insurance typically includes two types of coverage:

  • Property Damage Liability: This coverage pays for damages to the other party’s vehicle or property when the insured driver is at fault in an accident. It helps cover repair costs or replacement expenses for damaged property.
  • Collision Coverage: Collision coverage pays for damages to the insured driver’s vehicle, regardless of fault. It can help repair or replace the insured vehicle, even if the driver is responsible for the accident.

In addition to liability insurance, drivers may have other types of coverage, like comprehensive insurance. That covers damages caused by non-collision events like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.

What Legal Options Do I Have for Property Damage?

Individuals involved in car accidents have several options for seeking compensation for property damage. You can file insurance claims with your own insurance company or the at-fault party’s insurer to cover the damages. Insurance companies will assess the claim and negotiate a settlement based on the policy terms and the extent of damages.

If insurance claims do not adequately cover property damage expenses, you may have the option of pursuing legal action against the at-fault party. A skilled car accident lawyer can help you complete the paperwork, gather evidence, and advocate for fair compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

Does New Jersey Impose Caps on the Amount of Compensation I Can Receive for Property Damage in Car Accidents?

New Jersey does not have a specific cap on compensation for property damage in car accidents. Compensation for property damage typically falls under the category of “economic damages” in personal injury claims, and New Jersey law generally allows individuals to seek compensation for the full extent of their economic losses resulting from a car accident.

A Middlesex Car Accident Lawyer at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, PC Can Provide Trusted Legal Guidance

Determining liability for property damage in a car accident involves assessing fault, dealing with insurance companies, and more. Contact a skilled Middlesex car accident lawyer at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, PC today for a free consultation on your case. Call our Metuchen, New Jersey office at 732-494-6099 or complete our online form to learn more. Our coverage area includes Middlesex County, Monmouth County, Union County, and Somerset County.

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